


在大流行期间, Hilltoppers have worked together to maintain the health and safety of our campus community and all those on our campus. We will continue to evolve our safety guidelines as necessary for us to continue to maintain a safe and caring learning environment.


可选择佩戴口罩 在所有室内和室外空间, we ask that everyone be considerate of campus community members who may still choose to wear masks or may not be comfortable around others who are not wearing masks. 

Please note: Individuals may not independently require masks for campus events, 聚会或课程.



学生 who are experiencing academic or other concerns due to Covid-19 are encouraged to complete a 关注学生表格.


What if I test positive for Covid-19 or are sick and suspect I have Covid-19?

The Centers for Disease control recommends that you should isolate yourself from others when you have Covid-19 and do the following:

  • Isolate yourself if you are sick and suspect that you have Covid-19, 但还没有测试结果. 
  • If you had no symptoms, you can end isolation after day 5
    • (Note: Day 1 is the first full day following the day you were tested)
  • 如果你有(或曾经有)症状, you may end isolation after day 5 if you are fever free for 24 hours (without the use of fever-reducing medication) and/or your other symptoms have improved. 
  • A high-quality mask should be worn when outside of isolation through day 10. 
  • Avoid being around people who are more likely to get very sick from Covid-19 until at least day 11. 
  • 查看CDC的完整建议 什么时候结束孤立.


  • The Centers for Disease Control no longer recommends quarantining if you are exposed and have no symptoms, 无论疫苗接种状况如何. 
  • As soon as you find out you are exposed, you should wear a high-quality mask any time you are around others inside your home or indoors in public for up to 10 days after you have been exposed. 
    • (Note: Day 1 is the first full day following the last exposure) 
  • 注意Covid-19的症状. 
  • If possible, get tested at least 5 full days after your last exposure. 
  • 查看 疾病预防控制中心建议的接触量

Where can I find testing options in Austin?

奥斯汀公共健康中心有各种各样的 测试资源 可以在他们的网站上找到.

I'm feeling sick or I think I may have been exposed to Covid-19. 我在校园里哪里可以做检查?

健康 services are available for students, staff and 教师 Monday - Friday 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. 在 健康 & 咨询中心 provided through our partnership with Ascension. 

学生, 教师, 还有生病的员工, experiencing Covid-19 symptoms can call the HCC at (512) 324-4940 or 网上预约. This will be charged through your insurance carrier; typically, there is no charge to you for this testing.

Are students required to have health insurance?

Student wellbeing is essential for success. This statement is even more critical during a pandemic. 像这样, the university will continue to require that all registered students (enrolled in 6 or more hours) have health insurance. 学生 are automatically enrolled in the university's health insurance unless they successfully complete the waiver process documenting a private healthcare plan. 了解更多关于 .

What health and counseling services are provided on campus?


Partnering with Ascension Medical Group Seton (AMG), 肝细胞癌提供方便, 负担得起的高质量医疗保健. Services include a range of medical, medication management and nutrition services. 在校生, 教师 and staff are all eligible to receive care through HCC’s 卫生服务. 了解更多.


Counseling services will prioritize crisis availability, remote support and drop-in workshops at no cost to students. 一个圣. 爱德华的 clinical case manager will connect students to specialty services in Austin, as needed. Licensed counselors will be available 24/7/365 to provide immediate support for student concerns and refer any student who needs regular counseling to the HCC. Call the Hilltopper Helpline at 833-434-1217. 请浏览 健康 & 咨询中心 获取最新信息.

圣. 365比分网电竞 Covid-19 planning and response is led by a team of cross-campus leadership with guidance from a panel of local, regional and national medical advisors and organizations. 

The university continues to closely monitor local conditions and recommendations from the CDC, APH和我们的医疗顾问, and uses this guidance to determine our level of operations for classes, 学生住房, 校园活动, and any other adjustments to protect the health and safety of our campus community. Any significant adjustments in university health and safety protocols or resources will be clearly communicated to our entire community.
